Taking Responsibility for our carbon footprint
Today is a big day for us. We’re excited to announce that we’ve been certified as the 1st Carbon Balanced Printer in North America. The press release is shared below.

This is a mission that is important to us and to our CEO, Paul Hudson. It’s part of our LOOP program that you have seen us mention before. Environmental Stewardship is something we expect of ourselves.
We’ll be sharing more in the days ahead regarding what this means to our customers and their opportunity to be part of this program.
To read Paul’s post on LinkedIn, click here. Below is an excerpt:
My hands-down favorite class in college was Environmental Biology (I was an accounting major with a focus problem). Also, I’ve always been in love with and in awe of the natural world which is why I choose to live in Utah among the wonders of mountains and deserts and spend some part of almost every day outside. It’s a big part of what makes me happy.
What I learned in Environmental Biology was a nice match for my passion for the outdoors and gave my hikes and ski days a framework of fragility and responsibility.
At the same time, my family business was printing, an admittedly resource-intensive industry. I’ve always worked to reconcile the wonders of our craft and the great impact it has for people and businesses with the fact that our medium is paper.
I’ve learned a great deal through the years about the forestry practices of our mills and pulp producers and have tried to align Hudson Printing with the best and most reputable of those companies. We’ve been FSC certified for many, many years. We recycle, reuse, reduce waste, and have made a strong pivot toward digital printing where we can produce beautiful printing with very little waste.
Today we’re announcing that Hudson Printing has become a certified “Carbon Balanced Printer.”
The first in North America to achieve this certification in conjunction with Carbon Balanced Paper North America, the Sustainable Paper Group, and the World Land Trust. The World Land Trust is an international conservation organization that works to protect the world’s most biodiverse and important lands, having the additional benefit of carbon sequestration. I feel like this is the most credible and impactful way for us to maximize the benefit of our carbon offsetting commitment.
Becoming carbon neutral was the next natural step for us in this ongoing effort to be the most responsible print partner for our customers that we can be. This is a personal journey for me and because our carbon footprint is significant, a substantial commitment for Hudson Printing. Taking responsibility for our carbon footprint is a foundational element of our LOOP sustainability initiative.
To learn more about what it means to be Carbon Balanced, here are some of the news article featuring the World Land Trust and this certification: