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HPC January Milkshake

Sometimes it seems like the days of wonder have passed us by. It is not far fetched to think that our imagination is buried under a constant barrage of TikTok videos and Google searches. It often feels like much of our collective memories are being scripted for us.

Imagination and wonder are unique to humans and provide a bedrock for progress. Picture a couple of young kids skipping rocks on a pond and looking at the horizon with big questions in their minds. With hope in their hearts, the possibilities of their dreams are boundless. 

We need to return to a time where we pull our heads up from the device and connect with the world around us. In fact, we submit that the best marketers in the world still have the sense to see things in their minds, engage on a more personal level with others, and dare to dream.

As we step into the new year, it’s a time to reflect on the opportunities that lie ahead. Just as a new horizon represents limitless potential, the start of a new year brings with it the chance to approach our work with a fresh perspective.

In the business world, there has never been a more exciting time to be a marketer. The rapid pace of technological change has opened up a world of new possibilities for how we connect with customers and drive business growth. At the same time, the increasing importance of sustainability and social responsibility has created new opportunities for marketers to drive positive change in the world.

In this new year, let’s embrace the fresh perspective that it brings and explore the exciting opportunities that exist for marketing in the current business environment. Whether we’re leveraging the latest technology to reach customers in new ways or using our skills to drive positive change in the world, there has never been a better time to be a marketer.

Enjoy this issue as we hope it stimulates your imagination and encourages some dreams of your own. Our cover story, “The Nudge,” discusses how influencer marketing can be a tangible way to engage. And our second feature, “Chain Reactions,” provides some great ideas for marketing supply chain.

Click here to read this publication now. Make sure to subscribe so you can receive our printed magazine at your door every other month!

Here’s to a successful and impactful new year.

Best Regards,

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