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Warren Werbitt Goes Printer to Printer with Paul Hudson

warren webitt goes printer to printer

Warren Werbitt Goes Printer to Printer with Paul Hudson

In his latest video interview with Warren Werbitt, our very own Paul Hudson speaks about Hudson Printing, its 110 year history and the extraordinary strides we’ve made in digital technology and the digital printing world. 

It wouldn’t have been a Hudson interview if the amazing new Landa Press wasn’t mentioned. Paul highlighted a few of the items printed with this machine like magazines, catalogs, and direct mail.

Warren mentioned the importance of being secure and confident in the printing industry. He also stressed how crucial it is for printing companies to charge so that they make the right margin that they can continue investing in their business. Paul shared that recently he has spent plenty of time creating new visuals and data models calculating costing, noting that it is a vital detail that is often overlooked within the industry.

“We are the most important industry in the world…”- Warren Werbitt

Werbitt stated  “Without us there’s no pharmaceuticals being sold, there’s no sizes on clothes, no directions, no safety methods”. The printing industry is finally being respected and recognized for its importance and the good it’s been doing in the world.

Paul expressed how incredible and inspiring the open house experience Hudson Printing hosted on May 5, 2022. He shared how good it felt to meet and interact with customers and hear from inspirational people within the industry.

Recently, Hudson Printing has been focused on building up the Indigo Press Room and the Landa Press Room. He stated that he was happy with the technology, unique web press and is confident that Hudson’s investments in the digital realm will last for quite some time.

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